Tracks 4 and 5 have particularly vague titles, but these will obviously be played over the scenes where Jyn learns about her father transmitting the news of the Death Star weapons test to the Rebellion, forcing them to get her to try and steal the plans to the battle station. Rogue One apparently opens up when Krennic surprises the Erso family in exile on Lah’mu to conscript Jyns father Galen into the Imperial army to help complete the Death Star. These tracks should cover the early prologue points in the film up until Jyn Erso is sprung out of some sort of Imperial jail by the Rebellion. Here’s the plot of Rogue One based on the tracklisting to Giacchino’s score.
The score of The Phantom Menace famously featured a song called “The High Council Meeting and Qui-Gon’s Funeral,” spoiling the ending for everyone, though the closest that last year’s score for The Force Awakens got to spoiling anything was that Kylo Ren did, in fact, arrive at a battle because there was a song called “Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle.” The leaked track titles for Rogue One seem to be somewhere in the middle - vague enough to not mean anything to the casual observer, but obvious enough for fans to figure out the plot of the actual movie before the movie even comes out.

Michael Giacchino’s score for Rogue One, the first Star Wars movie not done by John Williams, was supposed to be similarly secretive, but what looks like the legit track listing has been leaked on a Polish site for what looks like a Hot Topic ripoff called EMP. To ensure complete secrecy of the plot of the new Star Wars movies, the soundtracks and their potentially spoilerific track titles have been kept under wraps until the date the actual movie get released.